Sunday, January 17, 2010

Training Scheduled

26 days to go to the opening ceremonies and 18 days to go until my volunteer job begins.

My training sessions have finally all been settled. I have venue training at BC Place stadium on Saturday the 30th, followed by Communications Centre team training on Monday, February 1. On February 2, I pick up my credentials and my uniform.

My first day of work is the 4th so that will give me a couple of days to get settled and get to know the buses and Skytrain.

My online research has found almost thirty different event sites, pavilions and national houses that are spread across Vancouver. There will be lots of exploring to do on the days when I am not working.

The last manual I received from VANOC (the Vancouver Organizing Committee) had rules for volunteers blogging. Things like not using Vancouver 2010 branding (now removed) and not disclosing information related to security or information that is being kept secret for later unveiling. I'll try to be a good boy.

All the volunteers were invited to attend a dress rehearsal of the opening ceremonies on Wednesday the 10th. Unfortunately I will be working at that time. I guess it will be a good rehearsal of our duties for opening day.

I haven't been this excited about an upcoming adventure since our trip to Europe last year.

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