Sunday, January 24, 2010

Packing for Vancouver

Next Saturday I need to be in Vancouver for my first day of training. We don't normally drive from Kelowna to Vancouver during the winter months. The roads on the Connector (Hwy 97C) and the Coquihalla (Hwy 5) can be treacherous and unpredictable.

To help relieve my anxiety about the drive, I am giving myself this week to find the best looking day based on the forecast to make the drive. Fortunately the house I am staying in is already empty so I can arrive any day. I don't want to wait until Friday when I have no choice.

At this time it looks like Wednesday may be the best day. I'll drive during the day then work the rest of the week from the house in Vancouver.

I spent the weekend packing: clothes, food, work tools and documents, Olympic documents, my Wii, and lots of sundries. I hope it all fits in the car. It is now hard to imagine that I ever thought I could fly to Vancouver.

As if I am not excited enough already, it will seem more real tomorrow as the Olympic torch will arrive in Kelowna. We're going to go downtown wearing our red Vancouver 2010 mittens and watch it arrive.

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