Thursday, February 4, 2010

Interactive Art

As part of the Cultural Olympiad--the arts festival that accompanies the Olympic Games--tonight was the opening for a display called Vectorial Elevation. This is how it is described on the web site:

Vectorial Elevation is an interactive artwork that allows participants to transform the sky over Vancouver, Canada. Using a three-dimensional interface, this web site lets you design huge light sculptures by directing 20 robotic searchlights located around English Bay. A web page is made for each participant with photos of their design from four cameras located around the city.

I just had to try it. So this evening I went to the web site and used a visual interface to move the lights and see what it would look like from various vantage points around Vancouver. It wasn't quite as easy as good old Spirograph.

After I submitted my design I was put in the queue. I called my wife and we both watched live on the web site as my arrangement of the lights was displayed over English bay for my 12 seconds of fame.

As a souvenir of my artistic talent, I was e-mailed a web page that shows my work in both photographs and graphic renderings. My incredible work is found at and you can make your own contribution to the work of art at

After one of my shifts on the weekend I'm going to walk over to English Bay and see it in person. Do you suppose they could rewind to my 12 seconds?

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